To Ken and the Staff,
You've given my mom a positive outlook and the confidence to improve her health and well being! She looks forward to coming to your facility and leaves feeling stronger, knowing she's been cared for in a personal way.
Ken, you take time explaining everything and give her the encouragement to keep going! Thank you!!
- The Anllo Family
Dear Ken,
You are no doubt the best PT in WNY! I am still amazed over the progress made by following all the exercises you included in my recovery plan. My weekly appointments were enhanced by laughter and fun banter during my visits.
Thank you for your guidance and knowledge during my recovery. Your expertise has allowed me to walk "normal" again.
- Sharon
Hi Ken!
Thanks for all your efforts to get me in shape for fishing this beautiful state!
- Patty.
Thank you for helping me with my shoulder. Your expertise with your kindness and gentle encouragement have gotten me to 90% mobility. I'm diligently working toward 100%. Thank you for everything.
- Joanne.
"Isn't it a little odd to write a five star review for a place you never hope to see again? Maybe it's more than a little odd. Either way, as much as I enjoyed rehabbing my injured shoulder, physical therapy isn't something I want to visit any time soon. At least when I inevitably hurt myself again, I know exactly where to go.
I'm a bit of a gym rat, and unfortunately for my joints, I'm also a bit of a compulsive over-exerciser. So when I hurt my shoulder as a direct result of too much yoga, I needed somewhere to get better. I got a referral to Ken's office and off I went. My rotator cuff had never felt worse and I just wanted to get back to my old habits (well, a less painful version anyway), so physical therapy it was.
I rehabbed with Dr. Charles for about two months while I worked on my extension, the better to get back on the mat as soon as I could. I received the best care possible. On a given session, I would alternate between stretching-based exercises and weight bearing exercises. We worked from a plan designed to be effective and challenging to the point where I could lift heavier weights over my head without causing too much strain to my shoulder. But the best part was the ice at the end of the sessions. Wouldn't you love the ice the most during a broiling summer day? I sure did.
Again, as much as I loved this place, I hope to never see it again. But in the (let's face it, likely) event that I endure yet another gym injury, I know exactly who to call".
- Anna G.
" I originally began working with Dr. Charles for pre surgical rehabilitation for a torn ACL. During this time, I made great strides in the strength of my knee and overall comfort. Based upon these favorable results, I continued with Dr. Charles for post surgical rehabilitation and have been very happy with the results he has helped me to achieve and the progress of my knee mobility. I would strongly recommend Dr. Charles to assist with any physical therapy needs prospective patients may have."
-Darren S.
" I feel most fortunate in having the opportunity to use Kenneth Kurtz and Associates for my physical therapy sessions. My therapy sessions began in October 2018 with the purpose of rehabilitating my right shoulder after a reverse shoulder operation. Charles Jordan, my physical therapist, is both knowledgeable and intuitive in his approach to my therapy. Charles has been instrumental in my progress to gain strength and flexibility with my shoulder. His positive attitude and attentiveness during my workouts has achieved not only a positive result, but a very enjoyable experience. I highly recommend Kenneth Kurtz and Associates and Charles Jordan to anyone needing professional physical therapy."
- Clem E
"A great therapist...very very good. I would always recommend him to all....a great man knows what he is doing..."
-Aggie K.